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Welcome to Jim Hafner for Fairway, Kansas

I desire to give back to Fairway everything that this community has given. Learn more about my campaign and what we can accomplish together.


Dedicated to serving the community

My family moved to Fairway in June, 1996 after growing up in Kansas City from age 8. Throughout my professional career as a social worker in health care, I have always felt the desire to serve others and have been one to listen to people’s concerns and provide the necessary support and remediation needed.


Setting a brighter future for all

I shall listen and represent the voices of Fairway, Ward 3 residents.

Council members are to be the voice of the residents they serve. The position is to help guide and monitor how the city moves forward in addressing the various issues that they face in relation to how to maintain and enhance the character and quality of life for their residents.

Improve Upon Our City

Preserve Our History

Attract Business

Welcome All


Ready to make your voice heard at the polls? Make sure you’re registered. The registration deadline to vote in this election is Oct. 17, 2023.


Questions? I'm always here to listen

I have given back to the community for many years and plan to keep going. If you have any questions about my campaign, any priorities you want to share with me, and/or would like to join my team, please take a moment to reach out.